14 May 2006

Da Vinci Code Premiere

With the Cannes Film Festival premiere of 'The Da Vinci Code' comes a long list of other releases, films, books, magazine articles - I mean, Leonardo Da Vinci (my favorite artist) has never been so popular! Which is a good thing. LDV was a genius and deserves further exploration. He painted in secret code, that is a fact, but then, so did many other artists of the time. They were Graffitti artists extraordinaire, with images used as symbols to represent certain messages.

One recent book on the same subject is "The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History" by Michael Baigent.

Another is "The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. These authors also wrote the fabulous book "The Templar Revelation."

And I'm sure there will be many more. But there are other secrets of more personal importance, secrets that can help you survive in the world and help you toward personal success. All this hubbub on The Da Vinci Code is good entertainment but it doesn't help you in your daily life. So next time I'll tell you about those that can. Next time on The TOP TEN SECRETS.



Blogger MJM said...

Yes, Tom Hanks is very good at diplomacy.

I visited most of the sites in both books years ago - The Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood, Holy Grail. My Quest was to find the last resting place of Mary Magdalene. Legend has it she lived many years in a cave in the mountains of Provence. Visiting this 'cave' and listening to the modern day legends from the local French people, was very interesting indeed.

There are many such Unknowns in the world, secrets worth investigating, going on a personal Quest and remembering it's all about the process, or the journey, in order to discover and develop your hidden inner spiritual growth.

Live to Live!

Fri May 19, 10:13:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vee said...
Just saw the DaVinci Code and thought it was very well done. It was also delivered with more than a pinch of respect for those who have believed the 'given' doctrine all their lives. It warmed my heart to hear rounding applause in the theatre at it's conclusion.

FINALLY the truth is being exposed. or at the very least, a dialogue has been created. Critical mass.

The curtain of deceit is being torn away. Those who call it blasphemous must surely be feeling insecure at the erosion of their base of power, as citizens continue to move away from the decay of religion toward a Spirituality devoid of bloodshed
hiding behind the cloak of righteousness.

The ending of the movie (and I'm
not telling here) gave me a sense of coming home.

See the movie.


Fri May 19, 11:29:00 PM PDT  
Blogger MJM said...

Yes, it was a thought provoking movie. I saw it on opening night and the theatre was full. It's got 'Legs' all right. What I liked about the film was its unpretentiousness. It didn't try to be anything other than what it is: a stimulating expose on what may or may not be true.
Having traveled to all the places in the both the book and the film years before, I can tell you that some of it is true. For those who thirst for more on the subject, I suggest Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince’s book “The Templar Revelation.”

Tue May 23, 10:59:00 AM PDT  
Blogger MJM said...

How many of you think the film 'The Da Vinci Code' is science fiction?

And yes, there is a lot of 'science' in this supposed fictional story. It involves the science of alchemists and the ancients which I talk about in my blogspot 'Top Ten Secrets.'

So what do you think?

Author of 'Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues'

Wed May 24, 03:49:00 PM PDT  

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