17 April 2006

Break The Code

Sony Pictures invites you to break the code and win before the release of The DaVinci Code. Go here to break "The Code"

The Da Vinci Code involves a thrilling murder investigation that unearths a secret that could change the course of history. The film opens May 19th worldwide.

These daily puzzles will pull you deeper into the world of The Da Vinci Code. Answer all 24 puzzles correctly for a chance to win untold riches.

03 April 2006

Secret of the 12 Golden Keys

SEEK THE TRUTH - In the book 'Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues' there are 12 GOLDEN KEYS. These Keys hold the great secrets of the universe, passed down throughout the ages for centuries... to reach you in this present moment.

The powerful knowledge of the magical 12 Golden Keys can be applied to your life in every area from health to wealth, to success and relationships. Their secret has existed throughout our history on this planet with an interconnectedness to the 'other plane worlds' or 'Otherworlds' – the parallel universes.

The practice of the 12 Golden Keys has been suppressed, hidden, and lost; they were hunted and stolen, and eventually recovered. Not unlike the secret messages in The Da Vinci Code.

What is it about the magical 12 Golden Keys that 'they' (meaning those who have suppressed the knowledge) don't want you to know?

In their simplicity they are already known to you, to everyone, but long forgotten, embedded in your cellular DNA. In other words, they already reside inside you.

Recently, in Quantum Physics a new biological paradigm discovered that our human mind and body are not distinct and separate from the environment, but is pulsating energy that is constantly interacting with a vast energy sea.

Knowing this, make it your QUEST to re-learn the ways to connect to this unified field of Living Source Energy and open your heart to it. It is possible to see your world from a different perspective, a higher view. There are en-LIGHT-ened Beings, and even some psychics and clairvoyants, who are able to and so can you. It is a natural phenomenon you do every time you fall asleep. The trick is to do it fully awake when you can remember.

Learn the ways to take you into the 'Otherworlds' to receive knowledge and wisdom by reading about the 12 Golden Keys in the book 'Universal Tides.'


You hold the key to the Inner Universes of spiritual essence. You have individual potential. By knowing your Self you will discover your reason for being on the planet at this moment in time. You will discover what it is you must learn in order to go forward. You make your own world, and thus, the First Key deals with responsibility and overcoming fear. It is the universal key and its spiritual power is for all Beings, as are all the keys. Have faith in who you are. When you realize how much power you have, that you can co-create your life, you will become infinite.

In The X-Men movies the mutants are the heroes. When you realize that our own cellular structure is changing everyday, you realize that we are the true mutants. But now we are changing in even greater, universal ways, in part because of the Chaos Theory.

The Chaos Theory is based on the mathematical theorem that the tiniest change affects everything, no matter how distant, including the weather. For example, when a butterfly beats its wings in one corner of the globe, with that single action, it changes the weather halfway across the world.

Use butterflies as your WAKING DREAM this week. By that I mean, every time you see a butterfly - whether it's on TV, or in an ad, or on a billboard, or on the cover of a book - stop, listen, and learn because you are being given a message. Your inner guide is trying to tell you something. So listen for your inner sound, like a ringing in your ears, and listen for the message from Soul.